Saturday, February 9, 2013

New Beginnings

It's about time for me to get back into the blogging world. There is so much to keep updated with in my life these days, so why not? Let's rewind a little bit...

On November 21, 2012 I gave birth to my sweet Mackenzie Rebecca. I don't even remember what life was like before her. (Well, except for being able to go out and do things when I wanted to!) She's the reason why I work so hard to be successful. I want to be able to give her everything she needs and more.

                                                          Newborn picture at 2 weeks old
2 months old

On another note, I'm currently doing my teaching internship right now in a 1st grade class. I love my school, directing teachers, and students so much; I got so blessed to be where I am. I'm in a co-teach classroom, so I have 2 directing teachers and 29 students. I took my certification exam today and passed, so I'll definitely be graduating at the end of April! I really hope I can find a job soon after or even before.

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