I'm back to blogging, and it so feels good! I have to say I haven't been this happy in a long time; God has just been showing me so many things lately! I'm doing a Bible study on the Psalms of Ascent & I have learned so much! One of the verses that has been my favorite is Psalm 121:2-3 "My help comes from the Lord, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. May He not allow your foot to slip! May your protector not sleep!" This has really been a stronghold to me in the past few weeks while I've been struggling with some relationships. I finally broke up with my boyfriend Jon almost two weeks ago. It was really hard at first because I was so hurt about everything, but within a few days I had such a peace about my decision. He really wasn't what God wanted for my life, and now I know there is someone waiting that is better and definitely more Christ-like. These verses have made me realize that God NEVER leaves my side. He won't allow me stumble and fall and not get up. He doesn't take a ten minute break from my life and just rest, no, he is constantly guiding me. I have really been praying for wisdom and guidance in my life as I'm overwhelmed with some things, but I know the Lord will show me what to do! I'm making new Christian friends that have already been an encouragement to me and I thank the Lord for them! I'm also re-joining my church choir since I've taken about about a 9-10 month break! It's awesome to see how God is using me in music at church. I sing in the college praise band and we are going to start playing in some of the high school summer events, the Friday night college service we're starting, and then maybe even at our new South campus, so I'm busy but I enjoy it. My vacation last week wasn't exactly what I expected... My family and I took a week at New Smyrna Beach and it rained the entire time! It was like a monsoon! They were shutting off roads from flooding, there was a tornado (thankfully it wasn't around our condo), and 30 mph winds. Craziness! Though I was disappointed I didn't get to lay out on the beach, I watched a lot of movies and went shopping a lot, and I even got to see my friend Chelsey who lives there! I will post pictures soon. I hope everyone has a great weekend =)
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