Saturday, April 4, 2009

Beautiful Weather!

So this week was spring break for me... As many things I WANTED to do, I didn't get to because it was storming half the week. Bummer, right? Well yesterday is when the absolutely beautiful weather pulled in! I was SO excited to get out and do something besides sit inside and watch movies. Yesterday I went to the fair with some lifelong friends and had a pretty great time! There were NO clouds in the sky, a slight breeze, and about 75-80 degrees outside. Perfect! Today was the exact same, so I decided to go to the beach with some friends. I finally got a little burnt (which will hopefully turn into somewhat of a tan!) Tomorrow I plan to go to church, go out on the jet skis with my boyfriend, then go see the Passion Play at church. Sounds like a great way to end spring break =) I'm also excited about my new business and am holding a debut party! Mary Kay has some really cool things coming out for summer, so I suggest checking them out at There will be pictures coming soon, so stay tuned! I hope everyone had a great week!

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